Friday, July 23, 2010

The Power of "I Am"

Today, I was listening to one of my Philosopher's Notes on The Power of Your Supermind by Vernon Howard, while I headed down to the VA Hospital for minor Dermatology surgery.  I love listening to these notes, because they instantly transport you to a more peaceful place of learning and higher consciousness, no matter where you happen to be physically or mentally.  Vernon Howard discusses some of the mistakes we make when speaking and how our minds' interpret what we say.  For instance, we constantly say things like, "I am sad, depressed, annoyed, angry, upset, stupid, etc.  In that instant, we are identifying our TRUE self (who we are at the core) with an emotion, usually a negative one.  So, in essence, we are telling ourselves that we ARE in deed that emotion, not that we're merely feeling the emotion.  It would be best to state that you are feeling that emotion or that the particular emotion is present, rather than identifying yourself with the emotion directly.  This was really an eye-opener for me.  Not something we really pay attention to, but something that can have a very powerful effect on our subconscious.  It's almost like stated negative affirmations we're not even aware of, but consistently apply day after day, month after month, year after year.  So, without any conscious thought, we're actually programming our mind in a negative way.  Wow!  Just the thought of it is pretty scary, but it really doesn't have to be.  We can't fix what we don't know.  Now that we're consciously aware of it, we can do something about it and turn it around into some positive programing.  Next time someone asks you how you are doing or you want to share with someone how you are doing, think about how you will express yourself, before you express those emotions.  Try something like, I am Amazing, I am Incredible, I am Fabulous, I am a Genius, I am Talented, I am Love!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Braveheart Women...Inspiration in Action

If you are a woman who inspires or wants to be inspired, please mark your calendar for the launch of the BraveHeart Women Summer Extravaganza. Learn the SHORTCUTS of how to make a difference on a personal, local, and global level...without all the stress. Make this year the one for getting what you want.